Social Management
The United Nations Global Compact is the most important corporate sustainability initiative in history, in terms of its scope and the magnitude of the proposal. It is a call to companies around the world to incorporate 10 universal principles related to human rights, labour, the environment and the fight against corruption into their strategies and operations, with social objectives and care for the planet.
At Aconcagua Energía we have adhered to the 10 principles of the Global Compact since our inception. We apply them in our daily management, in our social and business activities, in our projects and businesses. Likewise, the actions we develop are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN.
Under this premise and with absolute conviction, all of Aconcagua's social management activities seek to have a positive impact on the communities near our operations, with the firm objective of contributing to their development.

Our Conviction
At Aconcagua Energía we are proud to be part of the communities where we work. Our actions ...
Our commitment to the Global Agenda
Companies can play a fundamental role in caring for and respecting ...
Our social management cornerstones are education, health and sport. We support the development of other ...
Our Management Pillars
Our social management agenda is continually evolving. We seek to adapt to the needs and opportunities of the environment in order to carry out activities in accordance with each place. In this sense, we act on two main pillars: Educational and Institutional Strengthening. Through these axes we develop programmes and actions, and support other initiatives that contribute to the development of our neighbouring communities.
Educational Development
Educational Development
We promote continuous learning and exchange actions that foster the development of essential skills, allowing us to share and build knowledge with Aconcagua Energía's different audiences in each region. This pillar is fundamental to accompany and empower resilient communities, fostering innovation and creativity as key drivers to strengthen local capacities and be able to face the new challenges that arise.
Projects that promote the development of technical, digital and soft skills, preparing individuals and companies for the current and future labour market; and also contributing to their personal development.
Institutional Strengthening
and Local Development
Institutional Strengthening and Local Development
Through this pillar we seek to generate and support actions that promote improvements in the capacity and management of local institutions and in the socio-economic development of the communities where we operate, encouraging the active participation of the actors involved.
Programs in development

Ciudades de la Energía (Energy Cities) Programme

Ciudades Eficientes (Efficient Cities) Programme

“My First Job” Internships

Scholarship Programme for Students

""Reimaginar el Aula" (Reimagining the Classroom), Teacher Training

Argentinos por la Educación (Argentinians for Education)

Encouraging Sport and Community Development

Equipment and Infrastructure

Sports Sponsorship

Business Strengthening

Other actions with the community
Ciudades de la Energía (Energy Cities) Programme
With the objective of supporting the local government teams of Malargüe and Luján de Cuyo, both in the province of Mendoza, to design a comprehensive energy transition strategy with a focus on environmental sustainability, energy equity and resilience and adaptation to climate change, we launched the "Ciudades de la Energía (Energy Cities) Programme" with the help of the RIL (local innovation network) organization.
First our challenge is to understand the implications of the energy transition for each city, as well as their limitations and potential. The cities are expected to design strategic guidelines for the energy transition on the one hand, and public policy on the other. In order to achieve this, the strategy to become an Energy City will go through different stages.
During 2024, government teams develop a comprehensive diagnosis of the city's energy situation, identify opportunities for improvement and work on an action plan to solve the city's public challenge.
Ciudades Eficientes (Efficient Cities) Programme
This programme is aimed at Mayors and their coordination teams to enhance their knowledge and incorporate key tools to lead a comprehensive and efficient management. This programme is under way in the Municipality of Catriel since 2023, and throughout the training participants design and consolidate their management plan, implement monitoring schemes, and develop a communication strategy to socialise initiatives and projects.
In addition, the proposal includes support to the Social Development teams in the implementation of the Social Management Dashboard for 6 months in an intensive way, and then in groups. The dashboard is a tool that allows local governments to have information on their social policies, to monitor and visualise their statistics.
“My First Job” | Internships
Since 2019, working in partnership with different educational institutions, we have been welcoming students for internships in different positions within PAESA mainly on operational management and in cross-functional support areas.
These internships give young people the opportunity to learn more about one of the most developed industries in the region and at the same time acquire technical and professional knowledge to further their education and academic continuity.
Today, in our Río Negro operations, we have interns from the National University of Río Negro and the National University of Comahue, pursuing different technical and administrative careers.
Scholarship Programme for Students
One of Aconcagua Energía's proposals is the "Energía para Crecer" (Energy for Growth) scholarship programme which seeks to support students in their final years of school and academic training.
This programme started to develop in 2023 and in 2024 its implementation began. To date, 41 students are part of it, 20 of them from the province of Río Negro.
The scholarship programme is designed for secondary, post-secondary and university students, and is coordinated through a partnership with the UFLO University of Río Negro.
Those who are granted the scholarship will benefit from a proposal that includes different face-to-face and virtual activities, including: individual tutorials, group workshops and personal follow-up meetings, as well as activities with the teams from the students' educational institutions.
""Reimaginar el Aula" (Reimagining the Classroom), Teacher
Training Programme
Through a partnership with Fundación Enseñá por Argentina, in 2024 we will be starting a development programme for primary and secondary school teachers in Río Negro and other provinces. The aim is to provide teachers with tools they can bring to the classroom and to redesign other teaching mechanisms.
The programme's objective is to generate a feeling of community and accelerate student learning, and for teachers themselves to become agents of change. To that end teachers' daily practice needs to be strengthen so that they can improve the student learning process through innovative methodologies that put students at the centre and generate an atmosphere of learning and well-being. This programme is being discussed with the Ministry of Education of the province of Río Negro to become one of the institutional partners in the province.
Argentinos por la Educación (Argentinians for Education)
Our presence in different communities motivates us to support programmes and initiatives that add value. In this sense, in 2024 we decided to support "Argentinos por la Educación" campaign. It is an organization made up of different sectors of society with a common objective: to transform education, prioritising the strengthening of public education. To this end, Argentinos por la Educación carries out awareness-raising campaigns, generates institutional agreements, and makes impact data visible in order to help improve Argentina's educational system.
Encouraging Sport and Community Development
Through the Laureus Foundation we are developing in Catriel a competition for local social and sports organizations. They have to submit a project that may generate impact on the community. The selected participants receive a sum of money that will help them finish the project.
The contest is developed in conjunction with the Ministry of Sports of the Province of Río Negro and the Secretariat of Sports of the Municipality, who carry out the logistical aspects and call for proposals. In turn, the Foundation monitors and verifies compliance by the project submitted and, in the case of sports institutions, helps them to implement their projects within the framework of the Sports Sponsorship Law of the Province of Río Negro, an excellent tool.
Equipment and Infrastructure
In 2023, we joined the consortium promoted by the union of private oil and gas workers in Río Negro, Neuquén and La Pampa provinces for the acquisition of a medical helicopter. The vehicle can be used by those people in the industry as well as from neighbouring communities in emergency situations.
The importance of this participation lies in the conviction that we at Aconcagua Energía value group-work for the benefit of the community, always making health a priority.
Sports Sponsorship
Since 2022 we have been supporting Club Social Unión Deportiva Catriel through a sponsorship that allows the institution to develop its activities, procure equipment and cover expenses associated with participation in different competitions. In addition, through this institutional connection, we evaluate complementary activities that contribute to sports development.
In the same spirit, we have also supported projects of other institutions such as Club Hípico Cipriano and Catriel Rugby Club.
Business Strengthening
We are a key player in local and economic development, as well as in promoting and strengthening other companies regardless of whether they are part of the value chain or not. In this sense, at the end of 2023, Aconcagua Energía decided to carry out, during 2024, a series of training sessions for companies in the provinces where the group operates.
The activities developed are aimed at providing knowledge on technological tools that can be applied in the business world and entrepreneurship.
Other actions with the community
At Aconcagua Energía we are committed to our role as an actor within the community and a good neighbour to other institutions. In this sense, we continuously evaluate the possibility of supporting the development of other activities that are of interest and importance to our neighbouring communities, as long as they are aligned with our values and principles and are focused on benefiting the community as a whole.

UN Global Compact Principles
Our Business Commitment
We are a group of companies in the energy sector committed to a sustainable and eco-friendly business model. Since our foundation in 2015, we are committed to protecting the environment in all our operations and to being active promoters of clean and renewable energies.
We fully adhere to the values of the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which derive from conventions and declarations supported by numerous intergovernmental documents. We act responsibly and consciously in every area of our work and with each of our target audiences.
We seek to lead a future where economic value, social commitment and environmental impact converge in the same business model. We work in this spirit so that our operations are not only relevant, but also drive the social, environmental and economic development of the communities where we operate. Through strategic partnerships, we actively contribute to genuine transformation in these communities.
These principles are not only part of our corporate vision; they are at the core of the way we work at Aconcagua Energía.
Sustainability Reports
You can now download our Sustainability Report 2023, Aconcagua Energía's first!
Find out how we are moving towards a more responsible future, committed to the environment and the communities where we operate.