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Social Management

The United Nations Global Compact is the most important corporate sustainability initiative in history, in terms of its scope and the magnitude of the proposal. It is a call to companies around the world to incorporate 10 universal principles related to human rights, labour, the environment and the fight against corruption into their strategies and operations, with social objectives and care for the planet.

At Aconcagua Energía we have adhered to the 10 principles of the Global Compact since our inception. We apply them in our daily management, in our social and business activities, in our projects and businesses. Likewise, the actions we develop are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN.

Under this premise and with absolute conviction, all of Aconcagua's social management activities seek to have a positive impact on the communities near our operations, with the firm objective of contributing to their development.

Aconcagua Energía
Icono Nuestra Convicción

Our Conviction

At Aconcagua Energía we are proud to be part of the communities where we work. Our actions ...

Icono Compromiso

Our commitment to the Global Agenda

Companies can play a fundamental role in caring for and respecting ...

Icono Política


Our social management cornerstones are education, health and sport. We support the development of other ...

Our Management Pillars

Our social management agenda is continually evolving. We seek to adapt to the needs and opportunities of the environment in order to carry out activities in accordance with each place. In this sense, we act on two main pillars: Educational and Institutional Strengthening. Through these axes we develop programmes and actions, and support other initiatives that contribute to the development of our neighbouring communities.

Icono Desarollo Educativo

Educational Development

Icono Fortalecimiento Institucional

Institutional Strengthening
and Local Development

Programs in development

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible

UN Global Compact Principles

Our Business Commitment

We are a group of companies in the energy sector committed to a sustainable and eco-friendly business model. Since our foundation in 2015, we are committed to protecting the environment in all our operations and to being active promoters of clean and renewable energies.

We fully adhere to the values of the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which derive from conventions and declarations supported by numerous intergovernmental documents. We act responsibly and consciously in every area of our work and with each of our target audiences.

We seek to lead a future where economic value, social commitment and environmental impact converge in the same business model. We work in this spirit so that our operations are not only relevant, but also drive the social, environmental and economic development of the communities where we operate. Through strategic partnerships, we actively contribute to genuine transformation in these communities.

These principles are not only part of our corporate vision; they are at the core of the way we work at Aconcagua Energía.

Icono Reportes de Sostenibilidad

Sustainability Reports

You can now download our Sustainability Report 2023, Aconcagua Energía's first!

Find out how we are moving towards a more responsible future, committed to the environment and the communities where we operate.

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