In 2015 we established Aconcagua Energía. In January 2016, we started operations. We have grown steadily since then, based on responsible, expert and professional management. Year after year, we witness strong results, repaying the trust of our investors, who have been driving Aconcagua's growth since its inception.

2024 | Q2 Results Reports

2024 | Q1 Results Reports

2023 | Annual Results Reports

2023 | Q3 Results Reports

2023 | Q2 Results Reports

2023 | Q1 Results Reports

2022 | Results Reports

2022 | Q3 Results Reports
The information contained herein is the property of Grupo Aconcagua Energía ("Aconcagua"), and its contents may not be modified, transmitted, copied and/or distributed without the express consent of Aconcagua. La información aquí contenida es propiedad del Grupo Aconcagua Energía («Aconcagua»), no pudiendo su contenido ser modificado, transmitido, copiado, y/o distribuido sin el consentimiento expreso de Aconcagua.
This information is for illustrative purposes only. Consequently, Aconcagua makes no representation or warranty as to the truthfulness, completeness and/or accuracy of the information on which this information is based. All opinions and estimates expressed herein are subject to change without prior notice. The information contained in Aconcagua's proprietary documents should be considered in the context of the circumstances prevailing at the time, and it is expressly stated that it will not be updated to reflect subsequent events.
The content of this document does not constitute investment advice or an invitation to trade in marketable securities. Any person interested in analysing and, if applicable, acquiring securities issued by Aconcagua, should consult the information contained in their respective prospectuses and price supplements. The information contained herein has been prepared solely for the Republic of Argentina and should not be construed as being intended for use in any other jurisdiction or territory. Certain statements in Aconcagua's proprietary documents constitute forward-looking statements that involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors beyond the control and responsibility of Aconcagua. There can be no assurance that the results and events contemplated by forward-looking statements will actually occur. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions about current and future business strategies and on the environment in which Aconcagua operates and in no way do they constitute guarantees of future performance.
The recipient must rely solely on his or her own investigation, evaluation and independent judgement in making a decision regarding an investment in marketable securities issued by Aconcagua.