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Nosotros - Aconcagua Energía

The company

Our Group is made up of three companies: Petrolera Aconcagua Energía, Aconcagua Energía Servicios y Aconcagua Energía Generación. Through an integrated and vertical management model, we work constantly to contribute to the development of sustainable energy in Argentina.

We explore and exploit conventional hydrocarbons, always seeking to optimise their performance and productivity.

In addition, we have a solid platform of operation and maintenance services that not only supports our own operations, but also provides services to other companies in the energy sector.

Guided by our conviction and commitment to environmental, social and business sustainability, we are immersed in the energy transition. This involves generating our own energy and engaging in projects for the development and promotion of renewable energies.

Aconcagua Energía
Aconcagua Energía

Our team, made up of experienced and knowledgeable professionals in the energy industry, has been instrumental since our inception in 2015. Year after year, we have achieved strong management results that reinforce the confidence of our investors and pave the way for our sustained growth.

We have 750 direct employees and more than 2,500 outsourced collaborators.

In all business units and areas, we strive to carry out our activities in a harmonious and integrated way. To this end, we maintain a continuous investment plan that strengthens this integrated operational model and enables us to continue growing day by day.


We contribute to the energy supply of our country through integrated and innovative solutions, sustainable production, with a positive impact on the community.


We project ourselves as an economic business group recognised for its excellence, professionalism and operational efficiency, committed to the constant search for progress and the social and energy development of our country.


Our core values guide every step of our operations: environmental sustainability, safety and health of our people, transparency and integrity.


With the conviction and firm commitment to contribute to Argentina's development and energy sovereignty, and with innovative ideas, engineer Diego Sebastián Trabucco and economist Javier Agustín Basso joined their outstanding careers in the oil and gas industry to found Aconcagua Energía in 2015. Inspired by the transformative impact of independent companies in countries such as the United States and Canada, which went from energy importers to energy exporters in little more than two decades, Trabucco and Basso decided to establish in our country a company which would later become a Group with an integrated management model for oil and gas production and electricity generation, combined with an important platform of services for the industry.

The sustained growth of Aconcagua Energía since its foundation marks the beginning of a new energy era in Argentina. This entrepreneurial story illustrates how bold visions can be transformed into tangible realities, opening the door to a brighter future for the country.

Aconcagua Energía

Grupo Aconcagua Energía

Diego Sebastian Trabucco

Founder, President & CEO

Javier Agustín Basso

Founder, Vice President & CFO






Vice Presidencys

Javier Basso Vice Presidency | Administración y Finanzas
Leonardo Deccechis Vice Presidency | Capital Humano
Julio Ongaro Vice Presidency | M. Ambiente Seguridad, Salud Ocupacional y Calidad
Sebastián Maggio Vice Presidency | Legales

Corporate Areas

Fernanda M. Buforn Corporate Manager of Taxes, Management Control, and Compliance
Vanina Sequeiros Corporate Human Resources Manager
María Eugenia Balestrieri Corporate Manager of Purchasing and Supply
José Martín Bria Corporate IT Manager (CIO)
José Herberth Corporate Manager of Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS)
Román Andrés Sequeira Alternate Director & Corporate Accounting Manager
Juan M. Crespo Corporate Manager of Institutional Relations, Communications, and Sustainability
Juan Rey Fernández Corporate Manager of Property Security and Surface Rights
Germán Gago Corporate Commercial Manager
María Esther Trabucco Corporate Manager of Quality and Processes
Pablo Calderone Corporate Investor Relations Manager
Esteban Rodriguez GCorporate Partner Relations Manager


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